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Allocation Number
Pasture Department (Load)
Mountain pastures
Pastures of hydromorphic and semihydromorphic depressions
Pastures of small hills and island lowlands
Pastures of the plains
Pasture Type (Load)
Alpine and subalpine
Dry steppe
Semi desert
Pasture Branch (Load)
Aeolian plains (sands)
Ancient alluvial plains
Clay plains
Hills and interslope slides
Intermountain depressions
Intermountain depressions and mountain valleys
Island lowlands and chink ledges
Low mountains
Lowland islands
River valleys, meadow depressions, coastal ponds
Salt and saline depressions
Sand plains
Pasture Class (Load)
Arable land and natural inconvenience (318-326)
Cereal and mixed grasses, sometimes bushy, on meadow, meadow-bog soils and halophytous-cereal-solyanka on meadow solonchaks (281-309)
Cereal-forb-grasses, cereal-wormwood, solyanka on meadow gray-earth, locally saline soils and meadow solonchaks (263-268)
Complex feather-grass-turfgrass-cereal on dark chestnut soils, in places with the participation of solonetzes of steppe or meadow (27-35)
Complex wormwood-turf-cereal on light chestnut soils (63-65)
Coniferous and deciduous forests with feather grass and grassy pastures on sandy soils and sands (25.26)
Coniferous and deciduous grass-cereal forests on gray forest underdeveloped soils and low-mountain chernozems (144-146)
Desert soddy wormwood desert with shrubs on piedmont light chestnut soils (252,253)
Ephemeral-Forbidden on Sierozems Ordinary (260-262)
Ephemeral-psammophytic shrubbery on coarse and hilly-ridged sands (139,140)
Erkek-wormwood, turfgrass, sometimes bushy on plain and hilly sands (107-114)
Feathered-fescue, in places with shrubs on piedmont dark chestnut soils (240)
Feathered-fescue, turfy-grassy, cold-meadow-shrubby on dark chestnut and chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils along slopes and peaks, in places with the participation of wormwood and meadow along interspersed depressions (153-170)
Feathered-herbaceous on southern chernozems, in places with the participation of solonetzes of steppe or meadow (12-22)
Feathered-herbaceous shrubs on mountain chestnut soils (237-239)
Feathered-rich-herbaceous with a prevalence of red feather grass on ordinary chernozems, sometimes with aspen-birch pegs on malt (4-11)
Feathered-sheep-fescue fussed on dark chestnut and chestnut low-mountain soils (171,172)
Fescue-halophytic-herbaceous, wormwood, halophytous-cereal mainly on the solonetzes of steppe and meadow (23.24)
Fescue-wormwood, halophytoslacic mainly on the solonetzes of steppe and meadow (48-51)
Forests coniferous and mixed with grasses of different grasses and meadow pastures on mountain forest soils (211-215)
Grass and grass and grass, grassland, sometimes overgrown meadow pastures with forests and selective hayfields on mountain chernozems and meadow chernozem soils (217-222)
Halophyte-full-soddy-cereal, perennial solyanka, mainly on solonetzes of desert-steppe and meadow (66-69)
Halophyte-polynyna-soddy-cereal, halophytous-cereal-wormwood on mainly solonetzes of desert-steppe and meadow soils (184,185)
Integrated fescue-turf-cereal on chestnut soils, in places with the participation of steppe solonetzes (36-47)
Integrated meadow-cereal on leached chernozems with the participation of deciduous forests on gray forest soils (1)
Krasnodovil-petrophytous-herbaceous on ordinary underdeveloped chernozems with the participation of coniferous and deciduous forests (142,143)
Low grass forbs, grasses, and fine grasses on mountain meadow steppe subalpine and alpine soils (199-210)
Meadow-rich-rich-herbaceous plants on ordinary and leached gravelly chernozems, in places underdeveloped with the participation of coniferous or deciduous forests (141)
Mountain valley meadow cereals, sometimes shaded (223,224)
Perennial and annual solyanky, halophytnoslacinous, and juicy-glacial, locally clustered on ordinary or meadow solonchaks (310-317)
Perennial solyanka on brown gravelly soils (276,277)
Perennial Solyanka-wormwood on gray-brown gravelly, in places underdeveloped soils and solonetzes of desert gravelly (192-195)
Perennial Solyankovye and halophyte-polynesial, mainly on desert solonetzes (89-101)
Psammophytic shrub-wormwood-cereal, wormwood-turf-cereal on tuberous sands (128-138)
Psammophytic-full-soddy-cereal, psammophytic-shrubby on tuberous sands (278-280)
Red-feather grass-rich-herbaceous with the participation of chopped forests and meadow depressions on ordinary chernozems, meadow chernozem soils and malts (2,3)
Red-feathering-petrophytous-herbaceous, turfy-grained on ordinary and southern gravelly or underdeveloped chernozems (147-149)
Sagebrush-ephemeral-soddy-cereal, perennial solyanka on foothill light chestnut soils and light and ordinary gray soils (254-259)
Savannoid turfgrass with forbs on mountain gray soils and gray-brown soils (241-245)
Sheep-petrophytic-herbaceous-feather grass with shrubs on low-mountain chernozems (151,152)
Shrub with grass and meadow-steppe pastures on mountain chernozems (216)
Shrub-forb-grass-turf-grass on chernozems of gravelly and underdeveloped (150)
Shrub-turfgrass with forbs on mountain chernozems and mountain chestnut soils (235,236)
Sod-cereal-wormwood desert on mountain serozems of ordinary or mountain light chestnut thin and underdeveloped soils (246-251)
Sod-cereal-wormwood on light chestnut soils with the participation of desert-steppe solonetzes (52-62)
Soddy cereal-mixed grassy steppe steppes on mountain chernozems and mountain chestnut soils (225-230)
Soddy-cereal-wormwood cultivated on slopes and peaks on light chestnut undeveloped and underdeveloped soils with the participation of wormwood and meadow on solonetzes of desert-steppe and meadow soils (173-183)
Sod-wormwood-wormwood, in places with shrubs along slopes and peaks on light chestnut low-mountain soils (186,187)
White-earth-wormwood-erkek, wormwood-ephemeral-psammophytic shrubs on hilly and hilly-sand ridges (115-127)
Wormwood and perennial saltwort mainly on takyr-like soils (102-106)
Wormwood and perennial saltwort on brown, in places gray-brown or takyr-like soils and solonetzes of desert (70-88)
Wormwood with shrubs, perennial saltwort on brown underdeveloped soils and desert solonetzes (196-198)
Wormwood, perennial saltwort mainly on brown and gray-brown soils (272-275)
Wormwood, perennial saltwort on foothill gray-brown and brown soils or sierozems (269-271)
Wormwood-soddy-cereal, perennial solyanka on brown or gray-brown gravelly, in places underdeveloped soils (188-191)
Wormwood-turf-grass-ephemeral on mountain gray soils and gray-brown soils (231-234)
Pasture Group (Load)
Annual solyanka, small grass and cereal, sometimes with tamarisk or zhantaka on solonchaks and desert meadow soils in combination with wormwood and shrubbery on sandy knolls or halophytous and cereal, reed vegetation on meadow saline soils, lowering
Arable land
Bearded, tyrsovy-fescue along the slopes, narrow larch-wormwood-ephemeral along the peaks on mountain gray-brown soils
Beskilnitsy, kermekov fine-grained halophyte-herbaceous, in some places with the participation of sarsazanovs on meadow, ordinary and soronic salt marshes
Beskilnitsytsya, wheatgrass, azhrekovye, in places with the participation of bushes on meadow saline soils, in places with the participation of wormwood with solyanka on solonetz desert
Birch and aspen-birch forests on gray forest soils with the participation of petrophytous-herbaceous-red-feathering on low-mountain chernozems
Biyurgun-ephemeral on desert saline, wormwood-feather-grass and ephemeral on brown, less often gray-brown loamy or light loamy soils
Biyurgunovo-annual solyankovye on desert solonetzes, white-land wormwood and ephemeral, in places with itsigek on brown solonetzic soils
Biyurgunovo-tasbiyurgunovye, wormwood-tyrsik on brown gravelly soils
Biyurgunovye on desert solonetzes, lehrhomynye with the participation of meadow fine-grained meadow solonetzes
Biyurgunovye on desert solonetzes, wormwood-ephemeral on brown or gray-brown loamy soils, in places with the participation of juicy solyon on solonchaks
Biyurgunovye, biyurgunovo-black-wormwood, kokpekovo-wormwood on desert salt licks
Biyurgunovye, perennial Solyanka-wormwood on solonetzes of desert or takyr-like soils
Biyurgunovye, rarely with tasbiyurgunom, wormwood-ephemeral, keireukovuyu-wormwood, sometimes with a brachitum on solonetzes of desert and gray-brown solonetzic soils, in places with the participation of juicy solyon on solonchaks
Biyurgunovye, tasbiyurgunovye, white-earth wormwood, in places with keireuk on gray-brown solonetzic soils and solonetz desert
Biyurgunovye, white-earthly wormwood in places with keireuk or saxaul, itsygek on gray-brown loamy and light loamy soils
Biyurgunovye, white-earth-wormwood-ephemeral, in places with keireuk on takyr-like soils, sometimes with the participation of annual solyankovy, small grass-cereal with tamarisk or zhantak on solonchaks and desert meadow soils or with wormwood-shrub on sandy tubercles
Biyurgun-sedge, wormwood, keireuk-wormwood sometimes with saxaul on takyr-like soils and solonetzes of desert, sometimes with the participation of takirs or solonchaks of common and sorrow
Black-meadow, black-meadow-bijurgic on desert solonetzes, in some places wormwood-turf-cereal with itsigek on brown loamy soils
Black-meadow, black-meadow-ephemeral on desert-steppe solonetzes with solyanka and solyanka-wormwood on solonchaks, sometimes with fine-grained meadows on meadow solonetzes
Black-meadow-cereal-solyanky on solonetzes of desert-steppe, turfgrain-cereal-wormwood on light chestnut solonetzic soils, in places with the participation of halophytous-cereal, pinworm, wheatgrass on solonetz meadow
Black-Saxaul-solyanka-keireukovye on takyr-like soils, in places with psammophytic shrub-teresken-wormwood on hilly sand
Bluefin-thin-wooded wormwood, wormwood-fescue on light chestnut solonetzic soils, halophytous-cereal, wormwood on solonetzes of desert-steppe and meadow
Bluegrass-cobresia with medium grasses on mountain meadow subalpine soils, in places with outcrops of rock and talus
Bluegrass-motley grass meadow on chernozems along the northern slopes with fescue and mixed grass steppes on mountain-steppe soils along the southern slopes and peaks
Bog moss, reed, saline, cattail on marsh soils and meadows
Boyalychev-wormwood on gray-brown gravelly soils along the slopes, kokpek-wormwood or tasbiyurgunovo-bijurgun on desert solonetzes according to interscope depressions
Boyalychev-wormwood, in places with the participation of tasbiyurgunov on foothill brown soils with the participation of stony outcrops on the tops and slopes, sod-wormwood-wormwood on the hollows
Boyalychev-wormwood, perennial Solyanka-wormwood, in places with saxaul on gray-brown, in some places gravelly soils, bijurgic on desert solonetzes
Breast-fescue, fescue-feather-grass, wormwood, halophytous-grass-forbs on solonetzes of steppe and chernozems of southern solonetzic, in places with the participation of wheatgrass, halophytic meadows on meadow saline soils and solyank on solonchaks
Cattle, reed, cereal on meadow and meadow-bog soils
Cereal and forb, reed, sedge, and forbs, in some places steppe with willow thickets on meadow and meadow-bog soils
Cereal wormwood desert on gray earth meadow with halophytous cereal, solyanka on meadow solonchak soils
Cereal-forb, reed, porcine on meadow and meadow gray-earth soils
Cereal-herbaceous, cobresia on alpine and subalpine mountain meadow gravelly soils with areas of moss-lichen tundra and alpine cedar woodlands
Cereal-herbaceous, reed, licorice-willow with the participation of sucker, chiev on meadow soils, in places with teresken-isene-turf-cereal on the sand
Cereal-licorice, forbs-grasses on meadow and meadow-gray-earth soils with the participation of chievo-wormwood and solyanka-chingil on meadow solonchaks
Cereal-mixed-sedge, true or marshy meadows, willow-shrubbery on meadow soils, in places with the participation of wormwood-cereal halophytic, bonfire on meadow brackish soils along the channel
Cereal-rich-herbaceous, forb-cereal, sedge-forb-grass, in some places canary meadows, in some places with the participation of willow-shrub, aspen thickets on meadow and meadow-bog soils
Chernoboyalych-cereal, wormwood-feather-grass on gray-brown gravelly and underdeveloped soils along slopes or wide interspersed depressions.
Chernoboyalych-wormwood-turf-grass, wormwood-ephemeral with perennial hodgepodge on light gray earths on gently sloping surfaces, in some places with the participation of meadow-grass-mixed grass on meadow gray soils along the hollows
Chiev, scalloped, wormwood-coarse-grained meadows on meadow saline soils, sometimes with kokpek-wormwood, black-walled pastures on solonetzes of desert and desert-steppe
Citrine-full-ephemeral with the participation of ephemeral and weed grasses on ordinary sierozems
Coarse-grained-herbaceous, reed, weedy-grassy, sucker-willow on meadow and meadow-bog soils, drying out in places, aszhrekovye, halophytous-grass-forb-grass on meadow solonchaks
Complex red-feathering-rich-grass-herbaceous on common saline chernozems, reed-grassland, chestnut-fescue on meadow-chernozem solonetzic soils and meadow solonetzes with willow meadows and marshy depressions
Ephedra-isenev-psammophytic shrub, teresken-white-earth-wormwood-soddy-grass-cereal, zhuzgunno-herbaceous with the participation of weed on tuberous sands
Ephemeral-forb-herbaceous, ebelic on ordinary gray soils, in places with the participation of ephemeral-bijurgunic on solonetzes
Ephemeral-forb-saxaul, white-saxaul-forb, in places with moss cover on hilly and hilly-ridged sands, sometimes with white-earth-wormwood-solyanka on takyr-like soils
Ephemera-low grass, sedge-bluegrass, weed on common gray soils
Erkek-izenevo-zhuzgunovye, white-earth-wormwood-izenevo-tereskenovye, wormwood-turf-cereal, in places with significant participation of the shagir on fine-hilly sand
Erkeko-tereskenovye, erkeko-wormwood glazed, gray-wormwood-erkekovy on fine tuberous sands
Erkek-white-earth-wormwood on flat sands, psammophytic shrub-wormwood with ephedra on hilly-ridged sands, in places with cereal meadows along inter-hill depressions
Erkek-white-earth-wormwood-saxaul, wormwood-psammophytic shrubs on hilly sand
Erkek-wormwood, clogged with a bourgeon, gray-wormwood-teresken, wormwood on hilly sands with the participation of erkeko-shrubby peaks and slopes of sandy hillocks
Erkek-wormwood, sandgrass-wormwood, fescue on light chestnut sandy loam soils, in places with the participation of cereal meadows
Erkek-wormwood, shagreen, psammophytic shrubs along fine-hilly sands, in places with the participation of white-earth-wormwood-keireukovyh on brown loamy soils of the plains
Feathered-fescue on dark chestnut solonetzic soils with fescue-wormwood on steppe solonetzes, in places with the participation of halophytic-herb-grass-wormwood on meadow solonetzes
Feathered-fescue with shrubs, felted fescue on dark chestnut and chestnut gravelly solonetzic soils with the participation of hairy-fescue, schrenkian-wormwood on steppe and meadow solonetzes along wide interscope depressions
Feathered-fescue, feather-grass-fescue-herbaceous with shrubs on piedmont dark chestnut soils with the participation of shrub-grass-grass-mottled soils on meadow chestnut logs
Feathered-fescue, fescue-cold-wooded on tops and slopes on dark chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils with the participation of hairy-fescue, sometimes with chest-ferned fescue on solonetzic crustaceans at interscope depressions
Feathered-fescue, sheep-petrophytous-herbaceous with caragana on dark chestnut and chestnut low-mountain soils along slopes and peaks, in places with the participation of grass-mixed-grass on meadow soils according to the logs
Feathered-fescue-narrow-lobed wormwood on light chestnut hardened soils with grassy grasslands, coarse-stalked grassland, wormwood-grassland on meadow and meadow solonchakous soils, in places with black-wooded saline desert-steppe lowlands on wide
Feathered-fescue-narrow-lobed, feather-grass-forged grassed, sometimes with the participation of high-grass or shrub-grass-grass-cereal on mountain light chestnut soils along slopes with sparse vegetation of stony outcrops
Feathered-fescue-sheep sheep on dark chestnut, underdeveloped and gravelly soils
Feathered-fescue-sheep with shrubs on dark chestnut loamy-gravelly soils, in places with the participation of schrenkian wormwood or black-wooded on solonetzes of steppe and fine-grass on solonetzic meadows
Feathered-fescue-shrubbery on dark chestnut and chestnut gravelly soils on slopes with cold-meshed and bedrock outcrops on the upper part of hills and grassy-mixed meadows on meadow chestnut soils along interspersed depressions
Feathered-fescue-wormwood glazed, tyrsic-wormwood-calciferous-forbidden on light chestnut undeveloped soils on the slopes, in places with grass-forbidden and chievy meadows on meadow soils along interspersed depressions
Feathered-fescue-wormwood, erkek-wormwood, sand-feather-grassed wormwood on light chestnut light loamy or sandy loamy soils, in places with wilderness and fine-grained meadows on solonetzic meadows and areas of broken sand
Feathered-fescue-wormwood, shrubbed, tyrsik-wormwood with a caragana on dark chestnut and chestnut gravelly soils on the slopes
Feathered-fescue-wormwood, turf-grass on chestnut solonetzic soils with fescue-wormwood and black-wooded on steppe solonetzes
Feathered-fescue-xerophytic-herbaceous, shrubbery on dark chestnut, underdeveloped and gravelly soils on slopes with wormwood-fescue and kokpekovy on solonetzic crustacean soils under interscope depressions
Feathered-herbaceous, fescue-chestnut-feather-grass on chernozems of southern solonetzic and solonetz steppe
Feathered-herbaceous-shrubby with a predominance of feather grass red on the slopes on mountain chestnut soils, fescue-tyrsovy-shrubby on chippy soils at the tops
Feathered-herbaceous-wormwood on black solonetzic chernozems with fescue-wormwood, halophytous-grass-wormwood on steppe and meadow solonetzes, in some places with the participation of birch spikes on malt
Feathered-petrophytous-herbaceous, sheep, cold-wooded with shrubs on the peaks and slopes on dark-chestnut, underdeveloped soils with the participation of fescue-feather-grass, fescue-chestnuts on crusted solonetzes according to intersectional depressions
Feathered-psammophytous-herbaceous, thyrsian-fescue on dark chestnut sandy loamy soils, in places with the participation of grassy-forbidden, wheatgrass, reed grass meadows on meadow soils
Feathered-rich-herbaceous with Marshal’s wormwood and the participation of sand elements and shrubs, tyrso-psammophytous-herbaceous on ordinary loamy chernozems, sometimes with meadow-cereal on meadow soils
Feathered-rich-herbaceous with the participation of red-feathered-sheep-forb-common on common chernozems, in some places gravelly and aspen-birch chumps and pine forests
Feathered-rich-herb-wormwood on common solonetzic chernozems with fescue-wormwood, fescue-chestnut, beskilnitsa, halophyte-herb-wormwood on steppe and meadow solonetzes, in places with the participation of birch spikes on malt
Feathered-sheep sheep, in places with the participation of wormwood-fescue on dark chestnut loamy-gravelly soils and solonetzes of the steppe
Feathered-sheep-petrophytous-herbaceous, sometimes bushy, fescue on dark chestnut, underdeveloped soils along the slopes
Feathered-wormwood with fescue on light chestnut gravelly soils with grassy-diverse meadows sometimes with wormwood-cocpecic on solonetzic desert steppes along wide interscope depressions
Feather-red-feather grass on southern carbonate chernozems with the participation of fescue-feather grass-wormwood and halophytous grasses with shrubs on solonetzes of steppe and meadow
Feather-wormwood, feathergrass-wormwood, in places with the participation of crowberry on light chestnut loamy-gravelly or carbonate soils
Feathery-fescue-poorly grassy, feathery-fescue-wormwood-wormwood, sometimes bushy on chestnut carbonate soils with the participation of wormwood-fescue-poor-grassy, wormwood on steppe solonetzes
Feathery-reddish-feathery-forb-grassy, feathery-carrot-like on southern carbonate chernozems with the participation of meadow-cereal, sometimes saline with willow on meadow soils and solonetzes of meadow
Fescue-feather grass on chestnut solonetzic soils, in places with significant participation of Schrenkian-wormwood, fescue-chestnut on solonetz steppes
Fescue-feather grass, saltpeter-full-chestnut, halophytic meadow on solonetzes of steppe and meadow with the participation of licorice, grass-feather grass and feather grass on meadow chernozem soils
Fescue-feather grass, sod-wormwood-wormwood on chestnut loamy sand, less often light loamy soils with cereal meadows on saline meadow soils, in places with the participation of black-meadow on steppe solonetzes
Fescue-feather grass-narrow-lobe-wormwood, narrow-lobe-wormwood-solyanka-ephemeral on ordinary gray soils, sometimes gravelly in all relief elements
Fescue-feather grass-shrubby, turfy-grass-wormwood on dark chestnut and chestnut gravelly soils with the participation of cold-meadows on poorly developed soils along the tops of hills and wormwood-cocca on solonetzic gravelly soils with shallow droughts
Fescue-feather grass-wormwood, fescue-halophyte-herbaceous on solonetzes of steppe and chestnut loamy soils with the participation of wheatgrass, halophytnose-grass on solonetzic meadows, in places with the participation of solonchaks
Fescue-feather-grass and sheep-sheep fenced on chestnut chippy soils along slopes, cold-fescue-fescue on chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils with outcrops of bedrock at the tops with cereal-mixed grass meadows along interspersed depressions
Fescue-forbs-shrubs, fescue-sheep, feather grass cold-meadow with shrubs on slopes on mountain-chestnut soils, in places with sheep-petrophytous-herbaceous and sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops along the peaks
Fescue-herbaceous or fescue-kobresia, geranium on mountain meadow, in some places steppe soils with thickets of juniper shrub along the slopes and sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops
Fescue-herbaceous, sometimes overgrown with meadowsweet, narrow-larch-wormwood-turf-grass on mountain chestnut soils, east-damp-cold-wooded with sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops along the tops and grass-meadow meadows on black ground
Fescue-thoracic, nitrosal half-annual, solyanka, halophytoslacinous on steppe solonetzes, solonetz and meadow solonchaks
Fescue-tyrso-petrophytous-herbaceous with shrubs, in places with the participation of feather-grass fescue on chernozems of southern gravelly and underdeveloped slopes, sometimes with fescue-wormwood and wormwood on steppe solonetzes according to the logs
Fescue-wormwood and feather grasses are shrubbed, thyrs-sublessingian wormwood, petrophytic-herbaceous-shrubbery on light chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils along slopes with coke-wormwood, black-wormwood on saline-steppe desert-steppe salines
Fescue-wormwood with shrubs, petrophytic-herbaceous-turf-grass-shrub on light chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils along slopes or foamy surfaces with the participation of wormwood with cereals on logs and interscope depressions
Fescue-wormwood, black-wormwood, schrenkian wormwood, fescue-soddy grass varieties on solonetzes of steppe and chestnut solonetzic soils with the participation of adolescent, halophytous cereal and juvenile soils on solonetzes of meadow and solonchaks
Fescue-wormwood, fescue-feather grass-wormwood on light chestnut loamy and light loamy soils with cereal meadows on meadow soils or wormwood-solyanka on desert-steppe solonetzes
Fir grass or moss, rarely cedar forests on soddy mountain taiga soils along slopes with forest meadows
Forbs and cereals, sometimes shaded meadow on mountain chernozems and meadow chernozem-like soils along the northern slopes, turfy-grass-mixed-steppe on mountain-steppe soils along the southern slopes with areas of spruce forests on mountain-forest soils with sparse rocky vegetation
Forbs and grasses meadow, in places with bushes on mountain chernozems and mountain-meadow chernozem-like soils along the northern slopes, soddy grass-forbs on mountain-steppe soils along the southern slopes with bushes and aspen-birch-larch forests on dark gray soils valleys and logs
Forbs-cereal-ephemeral with the participation of highly cereal-forbs grassed on gray-brown soils and mountain sierozems along slopes and sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops along the peaks
Forbs-sheep, turfgrass-forbs-shrubs on mountain chestnut soils with bluegrass-forb meadows, deciduous woodlands on mountain chernozems meadow and sparse vegetation on stony outcrops.
Grass and grass on meadow soils in mountain valleys, sometimes with turf-grass and wormwood on mountain steppe soils
Grass and grass with participation of chii on meadow soils, sometimes with sedge and shrub on meadow and bog soils, turf-grass and wormwood on mountain steppe soils in mountain valleys
Grass and grass, sedge and grass, meadow, shrub and grass on mountain meadow chernozem-like on flattened surfaces and depressions among larch and larch-shrub forests and woodlands on mountain forest soils on the slopes
Grassland, grassland-reed-grass-forb, grass-grass-grass, chiev meadows on meadow soils, with the participation of willow or reed beds on meadow-bog soils
Grass-mixed-herbaceous, in places with shrubs, licorice, willow, fine-grass-halophytic-herbaceous on meadow, sometimes saline soils and solonetzes
Hairy grass-fescue-grass-mixed, grassy-sedge-shrub, mixed grass-shrub along the slopes, in places with wild fruit trees along river valleys on mountain gray-brown soils
Hairy-feathery-feathery-sheep-fescue, in places with participation of wormwood-feathery-shrubby and shrubby dark chestnut soils and underdeveloped soils along the slopes, sometimes with the participation of wormwood on solonetzic gravelly soils under intersection lowerings
Hairy-wheatgrass, sometimes shaded, highly cereal-ephemeral on mountain gray-brown soils along slopes and peaks
Halophyte wormwood-cereal, buckworm-wormwood, in places solyanka-ephemeral or kermek-kokpekovy on solonetzes of meadow or gray earth
Halophyte wormworms with hodgepodge, wormwood-wormwood-cereal, wormwood-fescue on desert-steppe solonetzes, in places with the participation of grass-wormwood on meadow soils and solonetzes of meadow along wide interscope depressions
Halophyte-polynyanka-solyanka with a predominance of wormwood wormwood on desert solonetzes, sometimes with halophytoslac-annual-solyanka on solonetzes and solonchaks of meadow
Halophytoslagosaceous, wheatgrass, reed, tuber-kamyshev meadows on salt marshes of meadow and meadow solonchak soils, sometimes with tamarisk or jujube in ordinary and meadow solonchaks
Halophytous-cereal, cereal-licorice, tamarisk on meadow salt marshes, with the participation of wheatgrass, reed, tuber-kamyshny on meadow soils and jujube on salt marshes
Halophytous-grassy-solyanky with tamarisk or willow on saline soils and salt marshes of meadow with reed, tuber-tuber and chievy meadows on meadow and meadow-bog soils
Hedgehog-forb meadows on chernozems along the northern slopes, turfgrass-grass-forb steppes on mountain-steppe soils along the southern slopes, with areas of spruce and deciduous forests along hollows and sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops along the southern slopes and peaks
Hedgehogs and mixed grasses, turfgrass-grasses forged on mountain chernozems and mountain meadow chernozem-like soils, sometimes with larch forests along the slopes
Highly cereal, barley-bluegrass with forbs or fescue on mountain gray-brown soils along slopes and peaks
Isene-white-earth-wormwood-teresken, forbs-wormwood-psammophytic shrubs, sometimes ephedra along hilly sands, in places with the participation of annual solyanka, halophytic shrubs on takyr-like depressions
Juniper forests or juniper woodlands with steppe-meadow cover on mountain-brown and mountain-forest soils on the slopes.
Kaltyk-mixed-grass, Kaltyk-wormwood clogged on ordinary sierozems, in places with outcrops of bedrock
Karabarak, sarsazan, solyanka-tamarisk with rarefied psammophytic shrubs on coastal soils with inspired sand cover and salt marshes
Karavsko-wormwood-ephemeral, karatevsko-wormwood-cereal-ephemeral savannoid, sometimes bushy on mountain sierozems and gray-brown soils with sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops along the peaks, with areas of shrub-woody thickets along river valleys
Kemrudyno-keireukovye, kemrudyno-curly-hen, biyurgunovye on gray-brown solonetzic soils
Kemrudynyna-balyalych, kemrudynynyny, sometimes with the participation of tasbiyurgunovy on gray-brown sometimes gravelly soils
Kemrudynynye, Kemrudynyna-keireukovye, in places with a boletus or saxaul on gray-brown solonetzic soils
Kobresia on alpine and subalpine mountain meadow soils along the slopes with the participation of herbaceous-cereal-shrubby and sheep-mixed-grass logs
Kobresia, kobresia-sedge-mixed-herbaceous along plateau-shaped peaks with sedge, cuffed along slopes on mountain-meadow-steppe soils, with sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops along the tops
Kokpek, kokpek-chernopolynny on desert-steppe solonetzes with the participation of turf-cereal-wormwood on light chestnut loamy soils and fine-grain on solonetz
Kokpekovye, kokpekovo-wormwood, bijurgun on desert salt licks, in places with grass-wormwood meadow solonetzes
Kokpek-wormwood, biyurgunny on solonetzes of desert gravelly with gray-wormwood-harem and gray-wormwood on brown and gray-brown soils along wide interscope depressions
Kokpek-wormwood, biyurgunny, in places with tasbiyurgun on solonetzes of desert gravelly and gray-brown soils and grass-wormwood on solonetzic meadows along wide interscope depressions
Kokpek-wormwood, black-wormwood on desert-steppe solonetzes with fescue-wormwood, sometimes shrubbery on light chestnut solonetzic soils and crustacean solonetzes, in places with wilderness, wormwood-wormwood on meadow solonetzes along wide interscuts
Kovylkovo-fescue-korzhinsky-feathering on southern carbonate chernozems
Kovylkovo-fescue-xerophytic-herbaceous on chestnut residual-carbonate, in some places loamy soils
Krasnodovil-Korzhinsky-forgery on ordinary carbonate chernozems, sometimes with gummy meadows on meadow solonetzes
Krasnovyl-tyrsovy-psammophytous-herbaceous with the participation of a feather grass on chernozems of the southern sandy loam, in places with fescue and chestnut on solonetz steppes
Ladder ernik-moss forests on mountain taiga soils along slopes with the participation of forest meadows
Larh-wormwood-bluegrass with feather grass on brown loamy or light loamy soils, in places with the participation of bijurguns on desert solonetzes, in places with meadows
Lerch-worm-psammophytoslagaceous, wormwood-erkek, kiyak-sand and wormwood on fine-hilly sands, in places with the participation of cereal meadows along inter-hill depressions, in some places with saline depressions
Lerch-wormwood-feather-grass-fescue, turf-grass-wormwood-wormwood on chestnut light loamy less often loamy soils, with the participation of wormwood on solonetz and meadow grass on meadow saline soils
Lerch-wormwood-sod-grass-ephemeral with itsygek on brown loamy or light loamy soils, in places with the participation of ephemeral-bijurgunic soils with black wormwood on desert solonets
Lessing-feather-fescue-wormwood are sometimes shrubbed with meadowsweet on chestnut gravelly soils with the participation of camphor-wormwood on steppe solonetzes
Low grass cuff-cereal with the participation of cobresia on alpine and subalpine mountain meadow soils, sometimes with dryas-lichen tundra and sparse vegetation of stony outcrops
Low grass cuffs, cobresia, geraniums, sometimes fescue-forbs with thickets of juniper shrub on mountain meadow soils on slopes and sparse vegetation of stony outcrops
Low-grass geranium-cereal, cuffed, sometimes fescue on mountain meadow soils, in places with juniper thickets and the participation of grasses of different grasses on the slopes, spruce sparse forests on the hollows and northern slopes, with the participation of sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops along the peaks
Low-grass motley grassgrass on mountain meadow soils along the northern slopes, cereal-grassy with a predominance of fescue or wheatgrass on steppe slopes, in places with sedge-mixed grass on meadow peaty soils along flattened peaks
Marching salt marshes without vegetation, with fragments of dune sand with pioneer groups or single sarsazan groups (drained bottom of the Aral Sea)
Meadow grass-mixed grasses, solonchik-fescue on leached chernozems, meadow chernozem soils and solonetz steppe meadows with significant participation of birch-aspen forests, swampy in places on gray forest soils
Meadow-grass, feather-grass-rich-grass-weed on ordinary and leached chernozems, in places underdeveloped with the participation of aspen-birch and pine forests along slopes and depressions
Narrow-lobe-wormwood-soddy grass with shrubs on light chestnut gravelly soils along slopes with wormwood-perennial solyanka on solonetzes of desert-steppe, grassland-grassy meadows along interspersed depressions
Narrow-lobe-wormwood-soddy-cereal with the participation of bearded on mountain sierozems and meadow grass and grass on meadow soils along the hollows
Narrow-lobe-wormwood-soddy-cereal with the participation of shrubs on mountain sierozems with the participation of sparse vegetation on stony outcrops
Narrow-wormwood, wormwood and feather grass with petrophytic forbs on brown gravelly and underdeveloped soils along the slopes, bi-sand or kokpek-wormwood on desert solonetzes with interscope depressions
Narrow-wormwood, wormwood-hawk-moths on gray-brown gravelly soils along slopes with kokpek-wormwood on desert salt marshes with interscope depressions
Nitrosovale-fescue on crustacean solonetzes with the participation of hairy-fescue, hairy-fescue on meadow-chestnut and meadow soils with grassy, beskilnitsy meadows along wide interscope depressions and river valleys
Oriental, wormwood-wormwood with the participation of grassland and reed or beskilnitsovye on meadow solonetzic soils and solonetz meadow
Papillary-fescue on dark chestnut and chestnut gravelly loamy soils along the slopes, sometimes with grass-motley meadows on meadow chestnut soils and solonetz meadow in wide interscarpments
Papillary-fescue with xerophytic forbs on dark chestnut carbonate soils, in some places with pinworm or bonfire on meadow chestnut soils or fescue-wormwood on steppe solonetzes
Papillary-hapillonaceous, hayfire-papillonidae on dark chestnut light loamy and sandy loamy soils, sometimes with grassland meadows on meadow soils
Perennial solyanka, halophyte meadow on ordinary salt marshes with the participation of halophyte meadow with shrubs on meadow salt marshes
Perennial solyanka, sarsazan, arched-annual solyanka on ordinary salt marshes, in some places with the participation of halophyte-polynyal-solyanky, kermekov, halophytous-cereal on meadow solonchaks with the participation of litter solonchaks
Petrophytic-herbaceous-red-feathering grass, herb-forgive-cereal on chernozems of ordinary gravelly and underdeveloped, in places with the participation of pine forests on the slopes
Pine forests and birch-aspen forests with the participation of sand-and-feather-mixed grass steppes on sandy soils
Pine lichen, grassy, soddy-cereal-petrophytic-grass woodlands on gray forest soils and low-mountain chernozems on the slopes
Pine ribbon burs with sand-feather-fescue steppes on the plains sands
Pine trees with shrub-grass cover on gray forest soils and ordinary chernozems of low-mountain slopes and depressions
Psammophytic shrub-ephemeral with a predominance of zhuzgun, in places with the participation of ephedra or teresken along hilly sand
Psammophytic shrub-erkek-wormwood, erkek-wormwood with sedge, in places with teresken-white-earth-wormwood on tuberous sands
Psammophytic shrub-sedge with forbs, sometimes with the participation of erkek-wormwood along hilly-ridged sands
Red feather-feather grass on chernozems of southern clayey and loamy, sometimes with black-meadow on steppe solonetzes
Red-feather grass-feather-grass-motley grass on southern carbonate chernozems, sometimes with wild meadows on meadow solonetzes
Red-feather-grass-motley, in places with the participation of birch pegs on malt and reed meadows on meadow soils
Red-feathering-carrot-rich-herbaceous, meadow-cereal on ordinary chernozems and meadow-chernozem soils with significant participation of meadow depressions and birch-aspen forests on malt
Red-feathering-petrophytic-herbaceous, sheep-sedge on chernozems of gravelly and underdeveloped on the slopes, in places with the participation of hairy-fescue on solonetzes meadow according to the logs
Red-feathering-rich-grass-herbaceous on ordinary chernozems with the participation of fox-barley, halophyte-herb-fescue on meadow-chernozem soils, solonetzes of steppe and birch-aspen tunnels on malt
Red-feathering-rich-herbaceous-fescue on ordinary solonetzic chernozems, in some places with the participation of meadow-forb-reed grass with willow, solonetzic-cereal on meadow soils and solonetzes of meadow and birch spikes on malt
Red-feathering-sheep-mixed-grassed on southern gravelly chernozems with the participation of fescue-wormwood-chestnut on black steppe
Red-feather-petrophytic-herbaceous on chernozems of ordinary gravelly and underdeveloped soils with birch-aspen chippings or pine light forest on the slopes
Red-feathery-carrot-motley-herbaceous, in places with participation of fescue-feathergrass on ordinary chernozems, meadow-herbaceous with willow, halophytous-cereal on meadow soils
Redgrass-forged-grassy, fescue-feather-grass, fescue-chestnut on chernozems of southern solonetzic and solonetz steppes, sometimes with reed-grassy, mixed-grassy, sedge with willow on meadow, meadow-solonchak soils along lake depressions
Red-soddy-mixed-herbaceous, shaggy-fescue-shrubby in mountain chernozems, with the participation of shrubby grass-mixed-grass in mountain chernozems, in places with forest areas and sparse vegetation of stony outcrops
Reed on meadow-bog saline soils, annual salt-bearing, sarsazan, ashreck on salt marshes, in places with sand
Reed, azhrek-bezkilnitsy, sedge-halophyte-herbaceous on sazy saline soils, sometimes with Chingil and kendyr on meadow gray-earth soils
Reed, reed, cattail on marsh and meadow-bog soils
Reed, reed-mixed, reed on meadow-bog soils, mixed-halophytous-cereal, in places with chiev-chingil on meadow solonetzic soils
Reed, tuber-kamyshny, beskilnitsovye, kermekovye on meadow saline soils and salt marshes
Reed, wheatgrass, shrubby halophytoslawn-forb-herbs with wormwood, ashreck meadows, in some places with the participation of kermek or obion on meadow solonetzic soils and solonetz meadow
Reed-herbivorous desert, reed-reed grass, sometimes overgrown with chingil on meadow and meadow-bog soils, in places with the participation of salt marshes.
Reed-weed, weedy, weed on grass meadow solonchak soils
Reinforced-herbaceous, variegated, bonfire meadows on meadow and meadow-bog soils with nitrosation, sometimes with bushes on meadow solonchak soils
Rocks, glaciers, in places with single plant groups
Sagebrush, gray-wormwood-keireukovy-balyalycha or gray-wormwood-keireukovy on gray-brown solonetzic soils with bijungunny and black-wooded soils on desert
Sagebrush-black-saxaul, sometimes with keireuk and itsygek on gray-brown or takyr-like soils, in places with a inspired sandy cover with the participation of biyurgun-sedge on desert solonetzes
Sagebrush-cereal-ephemeral with ebelek, locally knocked down, with the participation of turf-grass-wormwood or hodgepodge on common gray soils
Sagebrush-hawthorn, sometimes with keireuk, hawthorn-wormwood on gray-brown loamy soils, in places with the participation of bijurgunic or cocpecic on desert solonetzes
Sagebrush-herbaceous, wormwood-turfgrass, sometimes with shrubs along hilly sand, in places with the participation of cereals on meadow-brown soils down
Sagebrush-keireukovy-loophole on gray-brown gravelly soils on the slopes, bijurgunny on solonetzic desert gravelly soils on wide interscope depressions
Sagebrush-keireukovy-shrubby slopes with wormwood-cereal along the hollows and sparse vegetation of stony outcrops, limestones and tertiary clays
Sagebrush-perennial Solyanko-ephemeral with small grains, perennial Solyanko-wormwood, saxaulchic on gray-brown gravelly soils
Sagebrush-zhuzgunny, wormwood-soddy-grassy, steppe along hilly and hilly-ridged sands, in places with the participation of cereal meadows along the inter-hilly depressions
Salt salt marshes
Sand-leaved-erkek, step-like-kiyak, sometimes zakustalny zhuzgun with wormwood-erkekovym or wormwood on fine tuberous sands
Sands are broken, dunes
Sandy and feather-tyrse on chestnut loamy and sandy soils
Sandy beach of the drained bottom of the Aral Sea
Sandy-feather-fescue-wormwood on chestnut loamy and sandy soils
Sarsazan, Kermek, halophytoslacic, aszhrek, wormwood, potashnikovye on salt marshes of the coastal and ordinary
Sarsazanovye, annual Solyanka, in places with the participation of tamarisk or saxaul on coastal salt marshes and areas of salt marshes without vegetation
Saxaul, wormwood and strawberry bushes or keireukovye on hilly and hilly-sand ridges
Saxaul-ephemeral, in places with a strong mossy coating on hilly and hilly-sand ridges
Saxaul-ephemeral, wormwood-psammophytic shrubbery, white-earth-wormwood-ephemeral, in some places keyureucaceous with teresken and the participation of weed along the leveled and low-hilly sands
Saxaul-sedge, psammophytic shrub-forbs, wormwood-shrub-ephemeral along hilly and hilly-sand ridges
Scaly with cheshire, scalloped-mixed-grass meadows on solonetzes, meadow with schrenkian-wormwood pastures on solonetzes
Sedge-cereal and kobresia-sedge on alpine and subalpine mountain meadow soils with sections of pike-sedge sedges on meadow-bog soils along the slopes
Sedge-herbaceous, sedge-grass-grass-herbaceous, cuff-grass on alpine and subalpine mountain meadow soils with sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops along the slopes and peaks
Sedge-zhantak, sedge-white-earth-wormwood-shrubby hilly-ridge sands
Serynynyr-tyrsovyh, in places with saxaul on brown sandy loamy soils with the participation of wormwood-bijurgunovy on solonetzes of desert and solyanky on solonchaks
Sheep and grass with shrubs on mountain chernozems along the northern slopes, fescue-feather grass and shrub on mountain steppe soils along the southern slopes with the participation of willow and grass-mixed grass on floodplains
Sheep-feather grass and fescue shrubs, feather grass and fescue with wormwood cold on chestnut and dark chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils along the tops and slopes
Sheep-fescue covered with meadowsweet, feather-grass fescue, cold-wooded on chestnut, in places dark chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils along slopes and peaks with black-wooded soils on steppe solonetzic soils
Sheep-fescue-shrubby, tyrsov-ovsets-karaganovy, in places with the participation of cold-meadow on dark chestnut and chestnut low-mountain soils on the slopes and peaks
Sheep-petrophytic-herbaceous, turfy-cereal-petrophytous-herbaceous with caragana or spirea on low-mountain chernozems, sometimes with the participation of petrophytic meadow steppes on meadow-steppe mountain soils
Sheep-red-feather-grass-petrophytous-herbaceous, sometimes with the participation of the Korzhinsky feather grass on ordinary and southern gravelly and underdeveloped chernozems, sometimes with fescue-chestnut-wormwood on steppe solonetzes according to the logs
Sheep-shrub, feather-grass and cold-meadow with karagana on low-mountain chernozems with the participation of grassland meadows along river valleys
Short-legged-herbaceous with shrubs on mountain chernozems, in places with spruce on mountain-forest soils along the northern slopes, fescue-herbaceous on mountain-steppe soils on the southern slopes
Shrub-cereal, cereal-herbaceous bushes on mountain chernozems along the northern slopes, meadowsweet-herbaceous, turfgrass-grass-herbaceous-shrub steppe on mountain-steppe soils on the southern slopes with the participation of sparse vegetation of stony outcrops
Shrub-grass-herbaceous, grassy-grass-herbaceous-herbaceous shrubs on the slopes on mountain chernozems and mountain-steppe soils, in places with rosehip thickets, aspen along hollows and valleys of small rivers, pine woodlands along granite outcrops and sparse stony vegetation
Shrub-grass-mixed-herbaceous with a predominance of honeysuckle on mountain chernozems along the northern slopes, redgrass-grass-mixed-shrub steppe on mountain chernozems on the southern slopes, in places with fir-aspen forests along ravines and river valleys
Shrub-herbaceous, sod-grass-shrub on chernozems of gravelly and underdeveloped
Sod-cereal-wormwood, common rye-fescue and wormwood-cereal on chestnut loamy, less loamy soils with cereal meadows on meadow soils or cereal-black-wooded on solonetzic steppes
Sod-cereal-wormwood-shrub, petrophytic-herb-shrub on light chestnut gravelly soils with the participation of wheat grass on meadow chestnut soils on logs
Soddy cereal-wormwood on light chestnut solonetzic soils, black-wormwood, solyanka-wormwood, in some places with the participation of cocpecic on desert-steppe solonetzes
Soddy grass-mixed with rosaries, feather grass-fescue-shrub on mountain chestnut soils on slopes and hollows
Soddy-cereal, white-land-wormwood-tereskenovy, psammophytic-shrub-wormwood-sod-soddy-cereal, in places with a significant participation of the bourgeon on the tuberous sands
Soddy-cereal-dandruff on light chestnut solonetzic soils, black-meadow on solonetz desert-steppe
Soddy-cereal-ephemeral, sod-cereal-wormwood-wormwood-ephemeral with a predominance of low feather grass on mountain sierozems along the slopes with the participation of narrow-wormwood along the tops and slopes
Soddy-cereal-petrophytic-herbaceous, thyrsian-fescue with shrubs on dark chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils on the slopes
Soddy-cereal-shrubby, cold-meadow-petrophytous-herbaceous with shrubs on light chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils along slopes and peaks
Soddy-cereal-teresken, wormwood-psammophytic shrub-sedge on fine-hilly sands
Soddy-grain-rich-herbaceous, redgrass-grass-forbed on common chernozems with birch-aspen pegs on malt
Soddy-grass-mixed-wormwood, sometimes bushy, feathery-narrow-lobe-wormwood-ephemeral on mountain light chestnut soils along slopes with sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops
Sparse arches, sarsazans, kermeks on coastal salt marshes
Sparse groups of zhuzgun, sand acacia, ephedra on the loosely sands
Sparse kobresia, cuffs with cryophytes and significant outcrops of rocks and scree along the tops
Sparse shagreen, shagreen-herb-weed-weedy, kiyak, sometimes zazhustatelny zhuzgunom on hilly broken sand
Sparse steppe-motley herbs, sometimes with shrubs along hilly broken sand
Sparse weed, shrub groups with broken and moving sands
Spreading-worm-ephemeral on ordinary gray soils, in places with fine-grained meadows on meadow-gray-earth and meadow saline soils along hollows
Spruce forests and woodlands, grassy, deciduous-spruce with grass-soddy grasses on mountain-forest and mountain forest-meadow soils on the slopes
Sublessingian-wormwood-turf-grass, fescue-feather grass, wormwood-perennial solyanka on foothill brown hardened soils along slopes, shrub-wormwood on hollows
Sulfur-tyrsikovy, feather-grassed wormwood with ebelek on brown loamy soils, sometimes with the participation of black-wooded or bijurgun on desert solonetzes, in some places with the participation of solonchaks
Takyrs deprived of vegetation
Tasbiyurgunovo-saxaulchic, keireukov-wormwood with saxaul on gray-brown gravelly soils
Tasbiyurgunovye, biyurgunovye, wormwood-keireukovye, in places with a borax or hen on gray-brown brackish, in some places gravelly soils
Tereskeno-wormwood-sedge, zhuzgunovye with the participation of the zhantaka along hilly-ridged sands, in places with juicy-solyanka on ordinary salt marshes or reed meadows on meadow soils down
Tipchakovo-karatavsky wormwood-ephemeral on mountain light chestnut thin and underdeveloped soils along slopes with sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops
Tipchakovo-sublessingian wormwood, turfgrain-cereal-wormwood with shrubs on low mountain light chestnut soils on the slopes
Tipchak-tyrso-shrubby, tyrsik-fine-wormwood on foothill light chestnut soils
Tyrsa wormwood, in places with spirea, fescue-feather grass and wormwood on light chestnut loamy soils, in some places with the participation of wormwood on the solonetzes of desert-steppe
Tyrsa wormwood, turfgrass, in places shrubbed, narrow lobed wormwood, sheep-shrub on piedmont light chestnut soils on slightly sloping slopes with cereals on meadow solonchak soils
Tyrsa-red-feather grass, feather-grass fescue on dark chestnut solonetzic soils with wormwood, breast-wormwood-fescue, or black-wooded on steppe solonetzes
Tyrse, tyrse-wormwood, in places with shrubs, feather-grass fescue on chestnut loamy soils, in places with the participation of scallop on meadow-chestnut soils, black-wooded, black-wedge-wintry on solonetzes of steppe and meadow
Tyrs-fescue-herbaceous and turfy-grass-grass-herbaceous on mountain chestnut soils along the southern slopes and grass-herbaceous on mountain chernozems along the northern slopes
Tyrsik-fescue-shrubby, narrow-laden wormwood on light chestnut gravelly soils along slopes and depressions with cold meadow on light chestnut undeveloped soils on tops
Tyrsik-narrow larch wormworms on light chestnut loamy soils, sometimes with hairy-cinnamon on meadow solonetzes or black-meadow on desert-steppe solonetzes
Tyrsik-thin-wormwood with calcephite forbs on low-mountain light chestnut soils on the slopes
Tyrsik-wormwood, feather-grass, fescue-wormwood on light chestnut loamy loamy soils in places, in some places with the participation of wormwood and cereal on meadow solonetzes
Tyrsov-feather grass on dark chestnut solonetzic soils, schrenkian wormwood on steppe solonetzes
Tyrsov-feather grass with spirea on dark chestnut solonetzic soils with the participation of fescue-wormwood on steppe solonetzic, in places with grass-halophytic-herbaceous on meadow solonetzic
Tyrsov-feather grass-fescue, feather grass-wormwood on chestnut loamy sand soils, sometimes with meadows
Tyrsovo-sublessingian wormwood with shrubs, in places turf-cereal-sublessingian wormwood on light chestnut gravelly soils along the slopes
Tyrsov-ovsets-Karaganovy, ovsov-tyrsov-cold-meadow on dark chestnut and chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils on the slopes
Tyrsovy-fescue with psammophytic forbs, sometimes with spirea on chestnut sandy loamy soils
Tyrsovy-fescue, in places with shrubs, cold-meadow-fescue on dark chestnut or chestnut gravelly and underdeveloped soils along slopes and peaks, sometimes with grassy meadows on meadow soils, less often with kokpekovo-wormwood on solonetzic crushed sandy intersperses
Tyrso-wormwood-ephemeral, in places with the participation of the eastern feather grass, ephemeral-kaltykovy, wormwood-ephemeral on mountain gray soils and slopes
Tytrov-biyurgunny, kermudo-wormwood-keireukovye on gray-brown loamy solonetzic soils and desert solonetzes
Volosnetsovo-chievye, chievo-volosnetsovye, wormwood-coarse-grained on sierozems and solonetzes meadow, sometimes with halophyte-meadow with a coke on solonetzic soils
Volosnetsovo-fescue, volosnetsovye, speckled on meadow chestnut and meadow soils with wheatgrass meadows along intersection valleys
Wheatgrass, elm, in places with the participation of coarse-grained and willow on meadow soils and solonetzes of the meadow with the participation of turfgrass-fescue, or fescue-wormwood on chestnut soils and solyanka on steppe solonetzes
Wheatgrass-forbs, turfgrass-forbs and shrubs on mountain chernozems and mountain steppe soils on the slopes, shrubs and herbs on hollows with sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops
White-earth-wormwood-ephemeral, white-earth-wormwood-soddy-cereal on brown loamy soils, in some places with the participation of erkeko-wormwood with shrubs in the sand
White-earth-wormwood-ephemeral-psammophytic shrub, erkek-wormwood, in places with shrubs, shaggy along tuberous-ridged sands
White-earth-wormwood-ephemeral-saxaul, wormwood-sedge-psammophytic-shrub, in places with the participation of ephemeral-weed grassy on hilly-ridged sands
White-earth-wormwood-erkek, erkek-psammophytic shrubs with a predominance of zhuzgun on plain and fine tuberous sands
White-earth-wormwood-itsegek-ephemeral, sometimes with isen, white-earth-wormwood-ephemeral with feather grass, ebel-brown on brown, much less often on gray-brown loamy soils with the participation of bijungun or black-meadow-cocpec on desert saline
White-earth-wormwood-keireukovy, white-earth-wormwood-soddy-cereal, bi-mud on gray-brown, much less often brown loamy and light loamy soils and solonetzes of desert
White-earth-wormwood-teresken, shrubby in places, teresken-wormwood, shrub-moss-herbaceous or erkek-wormwood in fine-hilly, hilly sands
White-earth-wormwood-teresken-keireukovy, teresken-white-earth-wormwood-black-saxaul on brown loamy soils
Wormwood and ephemeral on meadow gray-earth soils, in places with the participation of annual solyanka on solonchak soils
Wormwood and psammophytic shrubs, wormwood, sometimes erkek-wormwood and shrubs along hilly-ridged sands
Wormwood and shrubbery with a predominance of white-earth and gurgan wormwood, wormwood-ephemeral with hens and boleys, in places with the participation of biyurgun-tasbiyurgunov on gray-brown, underdeveloped and eroded soils
Wormwood and turfgrass on light chestnut loamy soils, schrenkian wormwood with ephemers on solonetzes of desert-steppe
Wormwood with a hen on brown gravelly soils along the slopes, bijung or kokpek-wormwood on the solonetzes deserted by interscope depressions
Wormwood with hodgepodge on steppe solonetz, turf-grass-wormwood, in places with wormwood on chestnut solonetzic soils with the participation of cereal meadows on meadow soils and solonetzes
Wormwood with the participation of tyrs-teresken-saxaul on brown loamy soils
Wormwood, fescue-wormwood on solonetzes of the steppe and desert-steppe with wormwood and cereal on light chestnut loamy soils and cereal meadows on meadow soils
Wormwood, narrow-leaved wormwood and feather grass with petrophytes, in places with the participation of wormwood-bijurgun with feather grass on brown gravelly and underdeveloped soils
Wormwood, white-land wormwood, feather-grass and bluegrass, in places with the participation of Erkek-wormwood or Keyreuk on brown or gray-brown light loamy soils
Wormwood, wormwood-ephemeral on foothill serozems. in places of brown soils on laid surfaces
Wormwood-black-saxaul-annual soliancian on takyr-like soils, sometimes with the participation of wormwood-erkekovy, astragalaceous on tuberous sands
Wormwood-ephemeral, in places with significant ebel-eid clogging, wormwood-soddy grass on light gray soils
Wormwood-ephemeral, sometimes with shrubs, soddy-grain-narrow-wormwood on mountain serozems with the participation of sparse vegetation of rocky outcrops
Wormwood-ephemeral-psammophytic shrubs, ephemeral-saxaul on hilly and hilly-sand ridges
Wormwood-ephemeral-soddy-cereal with itsygek on brown soils, bijungun-annual-solyanka or kokpek-wormwood on desert solonetzes, in places with the participation of salt litter
Wormwood-keireukov-saxaul with sedge on hilly sand, sometimes in combination with bijurgun on desert solonetzes
Wormwood-keireukovy, black-saxaul-keireukov-annual solyanka on brown or gray-brown loamy soils, in places with the participation of erkek-white-earth-wormwood on sand
Wormwood-mantle, tasbiyurgunovo-biyurgunovye on gray-brown gravelly soils with the participation of desert salt licks
Wormwood-soddy grass, grass-wormwood on light chestnut soils, sometimes with cereal and grass-halophyte-forb meadows on meadow saline soils
Wormwood-soddy-cereal, sometimes with a lapworm, annual solyanka-white-earth-wormwood on gray-brown, less often takyr-like soils in combination with biyurgunny on desert saline
Wormwood-soddy-grassy places knocked down in places, ephemeral-wormwood on piedmont light chestnut soils
Wormwood-turf-grass, erkek-wormwood-ephemeral on brown loamy and light loamy soils, sometimes with grass-wormwood with shrubs on brown meadow soils and solonetzes
Wormwood-turf-grass, sandy-meadow, psammophytic shrubs with a predominance of zhuzgun on hilly and hilly-sand ridges
Wormwood-tyrsik with shrubs, fescue-calciferous-herbaceous on light chestnut gravelly soils on the slopes and tyrsik-cold-meadow-Karaganovy peaks on light chestnut undeveloped soils
Zhantakov-azhrekovye with tamarisk, reed-reed, grass-licorice, in places with tree-shrubby tugai on meadow soils, alluvial meadow soils with the participation of solyanka and halophytous-cereal on meadow solonchaks
Zhitnyak-mixed grass meadows on meadow-chestnut soils with black-meadow soils on solonetzes
Zhitnyakovo-wormwood-cereal, Zhitnyakovo-fescue and wormwood-turf-cereal on loamy soils with cereal meadows on meadow soils or with cereal-black-meadow on solonetzic desert-steppe
Zhuzgunov-forbs-ephemeral, white-earth-wormwood-turf-cereal-teresken with the participation of zhantak or ephedra along hilly sands, in places with coarse-grained at low-frequency depressions
The rate of pasture load, srvc. Goal. / 100 ha
On pasture background
To degraded pastures
Allocation Number
Pasture Department (Load)
Pasture Type (Load)
Pasture Branch (Load)
Pasture Class (Load)
Pasture Group (Load)
Norm of pasture load on background pastures, conv. Goal. / 100 ha
Norm of pasture load on degraded pastures, conv. Goal. / 100 ha